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Arthur Weber

Brother in law of Wilhelm Bleyle

first part

Arthur Weber

as an officer during the 1st world war

Arthur Weber

lived from *13.06.1882 to †1962,
married with the daughter of Wilhelm Bleyle „Marie Mathilde Amalie Bleyle“ (*02. 08. 1885 to †1925).
From the marriage two children are descended, a son Erich Weber-Bleyle (gets as a companion in 1948 in the family enterprise of Bleyle) and a daughter Ingeborg Weber-Bleyle.


In 1908 Arthur Weber also got into the family enterprise and was one of three co-owners.

Among the rest, his field of application enclosed the business relations with customers abroad. He was internationally experienced and engaged for export of products.

After the second world war he was decisively involved in the reconstruction of the company.

In 1938 he was also condemned of the national betrayal and the tax evasion to a fine and prison.

Private live

About Arthur Weber's private life is known a little. On account of his early company entry under his father-in-law Wilhelm Bleyle and the position as a cocompanion from 1913 and the long phase in which he coformed the history of the company decisively, his influence must be estimated as high. Above all after the second world war Arthur Weber was decisively involved in the reconstruction of the company.

Wilhelm Bleyle

(1889 - 1926)
company founder

Herrmann Max (Max) Bleyle

(1881 - 1965)
right hand of the father

Karl August Bleyle

(1889 - 1926)

Friedrich Ernst (Fritz) Bleyle

(1890 - 1976)
Marketing manager